Paul and Candice - 24th April 2010

Paul and Candice were married by celebrant Gayle in a short but enjoyable ceremony at Joondalup Resort.
After the ceremony, we all jumped in golf carts and headed off for the photoshoot. Everyone had a lot of fun, and we managed to get plenty of 'interesting' photos with the bridal party providing us with plenty of entertainment.
The reception was held in the Marquee at the Resort, and after a massive buffet dinner, everyone joined Candice and Paul on the dance floor for an awesome night!


  1. Hey the tartin really popped (flower shot) Love the dance floor shot too Chris. They were such a way fun couple. Great to see you got the pix up so fast!

  2. Thank you so much for all your hard work! I cant wait to see the rest of the photos! :):) You guys were awesome!! Thank you making our day super special!! Will certainly recommend you guys to everyone we know!!!

    Candy & Paul Brown

  3. Candy/Paul

    These photos are truly beautiful. I wish you all the best in your married life together. The way you two look at each other you can see that you are both truly in love with each other which is a rare thing to see these days.


